今天给各位分享pranking的知识,其中也会对pranking me进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!
The Simpsons are a dysfunctional family living in Springfield. Homer, the man of the house, is a safety inspector at the Nuclear Power Plant. Homer constantly spends most of his time at Moe's Tavern getting drunk. Marge is a hard-working housewife of three children. Bart is a clever 10 year old who loves pranking others. Lisa is the genius of the Simpson family. She recieves very excellent grades in school. She is the most trusted person in school and a "principal's pet". Maggie is the youngest. Maggie has not spoken yet. The Simpsons get themselves in some crazy adventures. In fact, they are getting in maybe about 10,000 adventures by the time the show ends in 2010.
On April Fools' Day, people like to pull pranks on each other.
Stop pranking me, it's not funny!
Easter eggs are commercially sold as chocolate.
1. religious
3. praising
6. permission
9. obvious
The Simpsons are a dysfunctional family living in Springfield. Homer, the man of the house, is a safety inspector at the Nuclear Power Plant. Homer constantly spends most of his time at Moe's Tavern getting drunk. Marge is a hard-working housewife of three children. Bart is a clever 10 year old who loves pranking others. Lisa is the genius of the Simpson family. She recieves very excellent grades in school. She is the most trusted person in school and a "principal's pet". Maggie is the youngest. Maggie has not spoken yet. The Simpsons get themselves in some crazy adventures. In fact, they are getting in maybe about 10,000 adventures by the time the show ends in 2010.
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